3 Responses

  1. Shelby Cross
    Shelby Cross at |

    For the most part, I agree with everything you’ve said here. However, you and I both know Orthodox Judaism cannot be generalized into one basic set of beliefs; stating “this is what Halacha says” is misleading.
    You have also not touched at all upon the laws of Neggiah and Niddah, laws which severely impact the married couple’s relationship, and sometimes, can bring detriment and heartache.
    Yes, Jewish law is relatively progressive about sex, when compared to, say, Catholicism. Married couples are free to enjoy sex…when they are allowed to have sex at all.

  2. Renee
    Renee at |

    I enjoyed reading your article and learning about the different view(s) religions have regarding sex and pleasing a person’s mate. It is refreshing to know that not all religions view sexual pleasure as a no-no. Thank you


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