Rope self-bondage can be challenging, but it’s not impossible. +a few tips and tricks you can bind yourself in a variety of erotic ways.
A work in progress, this post is a resource page for those who want to explore erotic self-bondage.
I’ve found that when working with rope, it’s always easiest to work with it in front of you. For chest harnesses and bindings that need to be made in the back, the rope can be worked in front of you and then work it around to the back later.
Break the binding down into small segments. Create the base and build upon it. Harnesses and wrappings can be attached to each other after created by using another rope or one weaved into another.
Arms, legs, hand, and feet can be separately wrapped and bound to the body or each other latter.
Your teeth can be helpful when doing a two column tie in front of you.
Wrists behind you – Loops can be worked into a breast wrap for the hands to be slipped through latter.
Leg wraps – Probably the easier binding to achieve. Both hands are free and all of the rope work is in front of you. When binding the legs, be aware that the rope will feel tighter as you move. Therefore, at least two fingers of space should be between your body and rope.
Rope behind you – When working with rope behind you, a mirror and a Back Scratcher are very helpful. Of course, the mirror allows you to see while you work with rope. But what is the Back Scratcher for? With a Back Scratcher you can loop it around the rope, grab the rope, ect… to help you work it through.
Breast wrap around the biceps – First create the breast wrap. As one of the last steps in your bondage, anchor a rope to the breast wrap and work the rope around you as many times as desire; you can still move your forearms and hands. Tie the rope off.
What length rope – For me I’ve found it very helpful to start out with shorter pieces rather than longer ones. Ropes can be lashed together to complete a tie if you run out of length. 20 foot doubled over is typically enough rope to do simple leg or breast bindings.
Wrapping the rope around you – Step through the rope rather than trying to pass it around you.
Pulling rope – When pulling the rope through to create a binding, be sure to keep a finger under the tight rope to help cut down on rope burn. Also, it’s faster and generally easier to pull your rope through an arm length at a time. This also helps to keep your rope tighter and neater as you work with it.
Rope ends – Pulling rope through as you work with it is smother when the rope ends are whipped rather than knotted. Often times, knots catch and stop while working with the rope. The ends can be knotted when lashing is needed and untied latter.
Improvise – Improvise with the ties you use. Not everything has to be just like the picture. Modify and utilize the rope how it works easiest for you.
Remember to always play safe. Rope can be very dangerous causing permanent nerve damage. Always use ties, knots, and turns in the rope that wont slip. When in doubt, use a square knot to hold the rope securely in place. Be smart, don’t wrap rope around your neck, always watch for blue or discolored skin and pay attention to your body. Loss of circulation is never a good practice.
Useful Self-Bondage Links
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