Stand up and be seen echoed through the streets of Spain Friday as many celebrated Lesbian Visibility this past Friday. Women all across the country stepped out of the shadows and stood up with pride for who they are and who they love.
“Visibility is chosen, is needed to defend your rights, and above all makes it possible to be happy. Breaking down cabinets, stereotypes and tags.” quoted from BS is Nice
Stared by the traveling urban art project INDISORDER, many today are stepping out of the shadows and standing up with pride for who they are.
INDISORDER is a group of artist who reject conventional and take part is social activation through street paintings.
Although this day of social awareness has passed, you can still take part every day. Don’t sink into the shadows, living on the fringes of society. I challenge those of the LGBT community to stand up and be visible. Not only for yourself but also, for future generations. Be visible in society and let people see your happiness; let them see your love, let them see that you’re not different.
Stand up and be seen.